
Showing posts from April, 2021

Kumbh Mela Is Not Any Better Than The Tablighi Jamaat

Corona knows no god or goddess. It kills regardless of any person’s religion, caste or creed. It is a disease wreaking havoc in unimaginable ways. Yet, what is ironic is the way some select few humans use the situation to manipulate, cheat and deceive other humans to ensure their own survivability. One year since the onslaught, there is now the second wave of corona spread and the numbers have increased to colossal figures. India ranks number two in the world behind America and it has no impact on the Government in its seriousness to combat Corona Virus. Here is the problem with India, on one hand for all it has is a Government filled with old folks who care only about power and politics, and on the other hand there is a flock of sheep that would jump into the well at the mere saying of the people who run the Government. Sandwiched between these two powerhouses are the minority (in terms of people who are educated) who really have an opinion and are of any material value for upholdin

Reservation of 75% in Private Sector Jobs in Haryana: Facts, Constitutionality and Politics

                                                                   Introduction Haryana is a progressive state and it is also home to one of the top five Information Technology Hubs. It has the fifth highest per capita income among Indian States and Territories. It becomes necessary to quote this fact here because the implications of the passing of the “Haryana State Employment of Local Candidates Bill, 2020” by the Haryana Government could have far reaching implications on many aspects of the state and also on the country. Before beginning with the key features of the Bill, it is best to mention herein that there already exists a law for reservations in public sector jobs and it has been agreed since the time the constitution was being made and debated, that it was constitutional to provide for reservations in the public sector, while the same was opposed in the private sector for various reasons, which still stand as strong pillars against this move by the Government. The matter is